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  • Vehicle-Firmware V1.20
    Vehicle-Firmware V1.20 (Binary file, 0.02 MB) Requires CarManager 1.10 for most of the new features.
    Changes since 1.08:
    1. Automatic detection of trailers. In earlier versions it had to be selected manually whether a trailer or semitrailer is connected to the vehicle, in order for the vehicle to know where the infrared signals should be emitted from. Now the vehicle can detect the trailers automatically, and it even adjusts its length information accordingly. This automatic detection can be deactivated, and it is still possible to set manually whether a trailer is attached or not. This enables the usage of custom-made trailer lights which are not guaranteed to be detected. The vehicle checks for the trailer when it is switched on, when it is standing still, and shortly before it starts moving. However, trailers can not be immediately detected if they are connected while the vehicle is lifted off the road with its wheels are still turning. More information in the CarManager in „Infrared / Adaptive cruise control“ 
    2. The expansion output can now be configured. These are the solder pads at the rear of the vehicle. This new function can now be controlled similarly to the lights, with the remote controller, magnetic commands, etc. It is also possible to set it to copy another existing function. If the roof beacons are selected as a source, the blinking is asynchronous with the other beacons, this allows the addition of a third blinking beacon without it blinking in sync with one of the others. More information in the CarManager in “Lights” 
    3. Vehicles with overhang are now taken into consideration for the adaptive cruise control. If a vehicle has this setting activated, then following vehicles will brake a little harder, and therefore they keep slightly more distance. More information in „Infrared / Adaptive cruise control“ 
    4. Bugfix: If a macro was set up to switch on the main lights, it did not switch the rear lights on. 
    5. The crawling speed (for example due to a South magnet) can now be interrupted both by the remote controller (“Play” button) and the IR Mini, and by the command “restore default mode” (for example, a SN magnetic sequence). 
    6. The “continue / drive away” command previously ignored all magnets, therefore magnetic sequences were also ignored (for example, at a green light, with the IR Mini). From now on, magnetic sequences are evaluated even in case the “continue” command is active. Only the stopping and braking commands are now ignored, all others will be executed. 
    7. Improved compatibility with OpenCar. Instead of only starting and stopping, now the speed information is evaluated, this allows for a smoother distance control. 
    8. Possibility to set up a minimum braking distance in case of smooth braking. If the braking distance is longer than the distance limit (for example, due to an external module sending a brake command with a custom braking distance), the vehicle did not brake completely, but it started to accelerate before the full braking distance was covered. Now there is a new option under Magnetic control / South: Smooth braking: “expand distance limit in case of a longer braking distance”. 
    9. The test modes now use the turn signals in cases of vehicles with don’t have roof beacons. 
    10. The test mode for the infrared communication (Infrared / Adaptive cruise control) now shows DCC commands as well, with a lower brightness than our adaptive cruise control protocol. Left = speed commands, right = function commands. 
    11. Bugfix: Uploading a backup could temporarily corrupt the traffic lanes. 
    12. Bugfix for DCC: with some command stations (for example ECOS2) the vehicle used the crawling speed at speed step 0 instead of stopping completely. 
    13. The commands which are executed automatically after a departure from a magnetic stop, now have a new option to delay the departure. This allows to first use the turn signals, switch the lane, etc. and then drive out of a bus station only a few seconds later. 
    14. Many new IR Mini commands and options are now supported. The default settings of the IR Mini also work with older vehicle firmware version, but for most of the other commands, this update is necessary. 
    15. Option to overrun yellow lights at a traffic light (with infrared control). If a vehicle received a “continue” command, and then immediately receives a compact stop command, it can ignore the stop command, depending on the speed it was traveling at. This can be used to overrun yellow lights and keep driving, instead of coming to a halt after passing the lights and the infrared emitter. More information in the CarManager in „Infrared / Adaptive cruise control / Finetuning“ 
    16. The option “Infrared / Traffic lanes / complete the lane switch immediately on a stopping magnet” now also works if the stop was caused by an IR Mini. 
    17. More intelligent handling of the + and – buttons on the remote controller If there is a temporary speed command active due to a macro or an IR command, the remote controller is now allowed to change the speed. However, in case of a speed limit or a minimum speed, the old speed before entering this zone will be restored at the end of the zone, except for the case the remote controller exceeded it.