Shipping and payment terms for consumers
Shipping within Germany
Shipment is made as an insured shipment directly from the Viessmann central warehouse in Hatzfeld-Reddighausen. Delivery by our logistics partner DHL.
Delivery time
Unless otherwise stated for the respective item, the delivery time is 1 to 3 working days from the day after conclusion of the contract. In exceptional cases, individual items may no longer be in stock at the time the order is processed, despite a positive availability indication when the order is placed. You will be informed of this by e-mail; if the item is available again, a new order must be placed.
Shipping costs
The amount of the shipping costs depends on the order value:
Order value unter 69,00 € | 6,95 € |
Order value above 69,00 € | free shipping |
Payment method
When ordering via our online store, we offer you the option of paying for your goods by PayPal, direct debit via PayPal, by credit card via PayPal or by purchase on account via PayPal.
International shipping
Shipment is made as an insured shipment directly from the Viessmann central warehouse in Hatzfeld-Reddighausen. Delivery by our logistics partner DHL.
For technical reasons, it is necessary for deliveries from the online store that the billing and delivery country are identical.
Please note the minimum order value of €50 for orders within the EU and €100 for orders from third countries.
For customs reasons, delivery to Great Britain is only possible from a minimum order value of 185€!
International payment method
For orders from abroad, it is only possible to pay for your goods via PayPal, direct debit via PayPal or by credit card via PayPal.
Please refer to the table below for the shipping costs to your country. In any case, you must pay the customs duties levied in your country.
LKZ | Land | Versandkosten | Zoll |
AF | Afghanistan | 53,50 | 3. Land |
EG | Ägypten | 53,50 | 3. Land |
AL | Albanien | 53,50 | 3. Land |
DZ | Algerien | 53,50 | 3. Land |
AD | Andorra | 53,50 | 3. Land |
AO | Angola | 53,50 | 3. Land |
AI | Anguilla | 53,50 | 3. Land |
AQ | Antarktis | 53,50 | 3. Land |
AG | Antigua und Barbuda | 53,50 | 3. Land |
GQ | Äquatorialguinea | 53,50 | 3. Land |
AR | Argentinien | 53,50 | 3. Land |
AM | Armenien | 53,50 | 3. Land |
AW | Aruba | 53,50 | 3. Land |
AZ | Aserbaidschan | 53,50 | 3. Land |
ET | Äthiopien | 53,50 | 3. Land |
AU | Australien | 53,50 | 3. Land |
HM | Australien Heard und McDonald Inseln | 53,50 | 3. Land |
BS | Bahamas | 53,50 | 3. Land |
BH | Bahrain | 53,50 | 3. Land |
BD | Bangladesh | 53,50 | 3. Land |
BB | Barbados | 53,50 | 3. Land |
BY | Belarus | 53,50 | 3. Land |
BE | Belgien | 18,50 | |
BZ | Belize | 53,50 | 3. Land |
BJ | Benin | 53,50 | 3. Land |
BM | Bermuda | 53,50 | 3. Land |
BT | Bhutan | 53,50 | 3. Land |
BO | Bolivien | 53,50 | 3. Land |
BA | Bosnien-Herzegowina | 53,50 | 3. Land |
BW | Botsuana | 53,50 | 3. Land |
BV | Bouvet-insel | 53,50 | 3. Land |
BR | Brasilien | 53,50 | 3. Land |
IO | Britische Territorien im Indischen Ozean | 53,50 | 3. Land |
VG | Britischen Jungferninseln (UK) | 53,50 | 3. Land |
BN | Brunei (Sultanat Brunei) | 53,50 | 3. Land |
BG | Bulgarien | 29,50 | |
BF | Burkina Faso | 53,50 | 3. Land |
BI | Burundi | 53,50 | 3. Land |
CL | Chile | 53,50 | 3. Land |
CN | China | 53,50 | 3. Land |
CC | Cocos (Keeling) Inseln | 53,50 | 3. Land |
CK | Cook-Inseln | 53,50 | 3. Land |
CR | Costa Rica | 53,50 | 3. Land |
DK | Dänemark | 18,50 | |
DM | Dominica | 53,50 | 3. Land |
DO | Dominikanische Republik | 53,50 | 3. Land |
DJ | Dschibuti | 53,50 | 3. Land |
EC | Ecuador | 53,50 | 3. Land |
SV | El Salvador | 53,50 | 3. Land |
ER | Eritrea | 53,50 | 3. Land |
EE | Estland | 29,50 | |
FK | Falklandinseln (malvinas) | 53,50 | |
FO | Färöer | 53,50 | 3. Land |
FJ | Fidschi | 53,50 | 3. Land |
FI | Finnland | 29,50 | |
FR | Frankreich | 18,50 | |
GF | Französisch-Guayana | 53,50 | 3. Land |
PF | Französisch-Polynesien | 53,50 | 3. Land |
GE | Georgien | 53,50 | 3. Land |
GI | Gibraltar | 53,50 | 3. Land |
GD | Grenada | 53,50 | 3. Land |
GR | Griechenland | 29,50 | |
GL | Grönland | 53,50 | 3. Land |
UK | Großbritannien | 37,95 | 3. Land |
GP | Guadeloupe | 53,50 | 3. Land |
GU | Guam | 53,50 | 3. Land |
GT | Guatemala | 53,50 | 3. Land |
GN | Guine | 53,50 | 3. Land |
GW | Guinea-Bissau | 53,50 | 3. Land |
GY | Guyana | 53,50 | 3. Land |
HT | Haiti | 53,50 | 3. Land |
HN | Honduras | 53,50 | 3. Land |
HK | Hong Kong | 53,50 | 3. Land |
IN | Indien | 53,50 | 3. Land |
IE | Irland | 20,50 | |
IS | Island | 53,50 | 3. Land |
IL | Israel | 53,50 | 3. Land |
IT | Italien | 20,50 | |
JM | Jamaika | 53,50 | 3. Land |
JP | Japan | 53,50 | 3. Land |
YE | Jemen | 53,50 | 3. Land |
JO | Jordanien | 53,50 | 3. Land |
KY | Kaiman-Inseln | 53,50 | 3. Land |
KH | Kambodscha | 53,50 | 3. Land |
CM | Kamerun | 53,50 | 3. Land |
CA | Kanada | 53,50 | 3. Land |
CV | Kap Verde | 53,50 | 3. Land |
KZ | Kasachstan | 53,50 | 3. Land |
QA | Katar | 53,50 | 3. Land |
KG | Kirgisistans | 53,50 | 3. Land |
KI | Kiribati | 53,50 | 3. Land |
CO | Kolumbien | 53,50 | 3. Land |
KM | Komoren | 53,50 | 3. Land |
KP | Korea, Demokr.VR | 53,50 | 3. Land |
KR | Korea, Republik | 53,50 | 3. Land |
HR | Kroatien | 25,50 | |
CU | Kuba | 53,50 | 3. Land |
KW | Kuwait | 53,50 | 3. Land |
LA | Laos (Demokratische Volksrepublik Laos) | 53,50 | 3. Land |
LS | Lesotho | 53,50 | 3. Land |
LV | Lettland | 29,50 | |
LB | Libanon (Libanesische Republik) | 53,50 | 3. Land |
LKZ | Land | Versandkosten | Zoll |
LR | Liberia | 53,50 | 3. Land |
LY | Libyen (Libysch-Arabische Dschamahirija) | 53,50 | 3. Land |
LI | Liechtenstein | 37,95 | 3. Land |
LT | Litauen | 29,50 | |
LU | Luxemburg | 18,50 | |
MO | Macao | 53,50 | 3. Land |
MG | Madagaskar | 53,50 | 3. Land |
MW | Malawi | 53,50 | 3. Land |
MV | Malediven (Republik der Malediven) | 53,50 | 3. Land |
ML | Mali | 53,50 | 3. Land |
MT | Malta | 30,50 | |
MA | Marokko | 53,50 | 3. Land |
MH | Marshallinseln (Republik der Marshallinseln) | 53,50 | 3. Land |
MQ | Martinique | 53,50 | 3. Land |
MR | Mauretanien | 53,50 | 3. Land |
MU | Mauritius | 53,50 | 3. Land |
YT | Mayotte | 53,50 | 3. Land |
MK | Mazedonien | 53,50 | 3. Land |
MX | Mexiko | 53,50 | 3. Land |
MD | Moldawien (Republik Moldau) | 53,50 | 3. Land |
MC | Monaco | 53,50 | 3. Land |
MN | Mongolei | 53,50 | 3. Land |
MS | Montserrat | 53,50 | 3. Land |
MZ | Mosambik | 53,50 | 3. Land |
MM | Myanmar | 53,50 | 3. Land |
NR | Nauru | 53,50 | 3. Land |
NP | Nepal | 53,50 | 3. Land |
NC | Neukaledonien | 53,50 | 3. Land |
NZ | Neuseeland | 53,50 | 3. Land |
NI | Nicaragua | 53,50 | 3. Land |
NL | Niederlande | 12,50 | |
AN | Niederländische Antillen | 53,50 | 3. Land |
NU | Niue | 53,50 | 3. Land |
MP | Nordliche Mariannen Insel | 53,50 | 3. Land |
NF | Norfolk Inseln (Kingston) | 53,50 | 3. Land |
NO | Norwegen | 37,95 | 3. Land |
OM | Oman | 53,50 | 3. Land |
AT | Österreich | 12,50 | |
PK | Pakistan | 53,50 | 3. Land |
PW | Palau | 53,50 | 3. Land |
PA | Panama | 53,50 | 3. Land |
PG | Papua Neuguinea | 53,50 | 3. Land |
PY | Paraguay | 53,50 | 3. Land |
PE | Peru | 53,50 | 3. Land |
PH | Philippinen | 53,50 | 3. Land |
PN | Pitcairn-Inseln | 53,50 | 3. Land |
PL | Polen | 20,50 | |
PT | Portugal | 25,50 | |
PR | Puerto Rico | 53,50 | 3. Land |
RS | Republik Serbien | 63,95 | 3. Land |
RE | Reunion | 53,50 | 3. Land |
RW | Ruanda | 53,50 | 3. Land |
RO | Rumänien | 29,50 | |
RU | Russland | 53,50 | 3. Land |
KN | Saint Kitts und Nevis | 53,50 | 3. Land |
PM | Saint Pierre und Miquelon | 53,50 | 3. Land |
VC | Saint Vincent u. Grenadinen | 53,50 | 3. Land |
SB | Salomonen | 53,50 | 3. Land |
WS | Samoa | 53,50 | 3. Land |
SM | San Marino | 53,50 | 3. Land |
ST | Sao Tome und Principe | 53,50 | 3. Land |
SA | Saudi Arabien | 53,50 | 3. Land |
SE | Schweden | 25,50 | |
CH | Schweiz | 37,95 | 3. Land |
SC | Seychellen | 53,50 | 3. Land |
SL | Sierra Leone | 53,50 | 3. Land |
SK | Slowakei | 22,50 | |
SI | Slowenien | 22,50 | |
ES | Spanien | 22,50 | |
SH | St. Helena | 53,50 | 3. Land |
LC | St. Lucia | 53,50 | 3. Land |
ZA | Südafrika | 53,50 | 3. Land |
SD | Sudan | 53,50 | 3. Land |
SJ | Svalbard und Jan Mayen | 53,50 | 3. Land |
SZ | Swasiland | 53,50 | 3. Land |
SY | Syrische Arabische Republik | 53,50 | 3. Land |
TJ | Tadschikistan | 53,50 | 3. Land |
TW | Taiwan | 53,50 | 3. Land |
THA | Thailand | 53,50 | 3. Land |
TK | Tokelau | 53,50 | 3. Land |
TO | Tonga | 53,50 | 3. Land |
TT | Trinidad und Tobago | 53,50 | 3. Land |
CZ | Tschechien | 18,50 | |
TN | Tunesien | 53,50 | 3. Land |
TR | Türkei | 53,50 | 3. Land |
TM | Turkmenistan | 53,50 | 3. Land |
TC | Turks- und Caicosinseln | 53,50 | 3. Land |
TV | Tuvalu | 53,50 | 3. Land |
UA | Ukraine | 53,50 | 3. Land |
HU | Ungarn | 20,50 | |
UY | Uruguay | 53,50 | 3. Land |
US | USA | 53,50 | 3. Land |
UZ | Usbekistan | 53,50 | 3. Land |
VU | Vanuatu | 53,50 | 3. Land |
VA | Vatikanstadt | 53,50 | 3. Land |
VE | Venezuela | 53,50 | 3. Land |
AE | Vereinigte Arabische Emira | 53,50 | 3. Land |
WF | Wallis und Futuna | 53,50 | 3. Land |
CX | Weihnachtsinsel (AUS) | 53,50 | 3. Land |
CF | Zentralafrikanische Republik | 53,50 | 3. Land |
CY | Zypern | 30,50 | 3. Land |