Coach lighting with maintenance free, bright LEDs. Brightness adjustable by potentiometer. Can be used in any lighting prepared coaches of all manufacturers. By shortening the circuit board, it can be adapted to various waggon lengths. Constant power supply integrated, prepared for flicker-protection. Power supply by grinder / point unit or conducting couplers items 5048/5071. Suitable for DC, AC or digital power. Maximum power input 38 mA. Dimensions: L 25,4 x W 0,7 cm.
The cobblestone plate from the stone art series consists of weather resistant mineral composite. This material creates an unmatched realistic stone surface. The plates are flexible and can be easily cut with a knife. Due to the plate size and the straight laying of the stones particularly versatile usable, e. g. for a market place. Also suitable for cobblestone plates item-No. 48240 – 48247. Dimensions: L 28 x W 16 cm.
Feedback compatible push-button panel with impulse-contact for four semaphore signals with 2 aspects, tracks or universal relay, item 5551. Authentic feedback of the signals, tracks or relays by 8 red and green LEDs. Several panels can be stringed together. Only useable for signals with automatic deactivation via mechanical contacts. Contact load: 2 A.
In 1996, Mercedes introduced the ACTROS series in different variants. This vehicle is equipped with an M cab. Like all models of the CarMotion series, it comes with the following functions:- Charging and programming connection- Short charging times due to modern lithium polymer batteries- With a full battery and normal operation with waiting times and various speeds a runtime of approx. 4 – 6 hours, and approx. 2 hours at max. speed/full load is possible.- Easy on/off switching via a reed contact under the cab‘s roof with magnetic pointing stick or telescopic magnetic bar, item 8410- Infrared transmitter/receiver for distance control (limited compatibility with other IR systems)- Realistic braking resp. accelerating action and configurable speed due to speed-controlled motor- Free cargo area due to underfloor drive unit- Cabin lighting- Braking and reversing lights- Direction indicators right/left and warning lights controllable- Low beam / high beam light- Roof beacons (depending on type of vehicle)- Clear seethrough driver‘s cab with figure- 5-pole plug-in coupling for the connection of CarMotion trailers or semitrailers- Compatible with existing systems with contact wire or magnetic tape- Control by infrared light (IR), permanent magnets item 8431 in the road, electromagnetic stop coils and remote control item 8402- Even without mechanical guidance a short straight line reverse is possible via steering by the remote controlL 8.2 x W 3.5 x H 3.7 cm