Beiträge von Henrik Silfverstope

    Thanks for trying to help.

    The problem is that the Commander will not turn on after my "update attempt". No matter how long I push the ON/OFF the Commander will not turn on, and the Commander Updater will not detect the Commander unit.

    How do I update without being able to turn on the Commander unit?

    I have updated to the new USB-Treiber version 2.

    I have just updated my Commander for the first time in a long time.

    Everything seemed to go OK, but after the PC said the Commander was updated, the Commander seemed to jammed/locked.

    After trying to turn of the power and nothing happening, the power cord was removed.

    Now the Commander will not start. When pushing the ON/OFF - the PC notice that there is a USB-connection, but as soon as I do not push the ON/OFF, the PC does not "see" the USB.

    What do I do to reset the Commander? How do I reboot it?

    The screen will not come on at all (=all grey sceen).

    Thank you for trying to help. This is how I do it.

    1. Push the ON/OFF and let the C start.
    2. The gray/yellow page comes on - but the text is not readable.
    3. Push all 4 direction buttons for at least 3 seconds.
    4. Red bar with 3 buttons light up - the text is not readable.
    5. Push the 4 directions buttons for at least 3 secunds.
    6. I am asked to calibrate the screen and after marking the 4 corners I am asked to mark something in the middle.
    7. I move the navigation bar around and the C proceed.
    8. I end up with the screen completely full of grafics. No text.

    Am I doing right?

    I also tried to connect to UPDATE-mode, but eh PC-program just keeps staying that it does not detect any Commander (my guess - it is not in UPDATE-mode).


    Thank you for the instructions. The problem is that is it rather difficult to read the screen - the text is all scrambled.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    When starting op and pushing the 4 direction buttons.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    After having presset the left control knob.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    The final result after rebooting the Commander.

    I do not know if I am pressing the right buttons/knobs since there is no text or menues readible. I am unable to read anything.

    Any idea what to do?