My IPad reports that this not a secure site.
I strongly advise the Company to get this changed.
My IPad reports that this not a secure site.
I strongly advise the Company to get this changed.
Hi Vadim
I only use manual routes to provide actions that can’t find room in the automatic routes. I call the manual route from the automatic one by using the conductor.
I have not had any problems. However I am only using about 100 routes.
Thank you Viessmann for the update 1.401 mentioned in the newsletter to owners of the Commander 1.
An English translation via Google is the best I could do to explain what the update had to offer.
I see from the Viessmann newsletter that there is an update for the Commander 1.
Can English speaking users have a translation please for the details of the changes?
My experience is that double turnouts have to be linked to operate together as they can not have the same address.
On the track plan you show one operating turnout next to a black non operating turnout.
This works well.
Mr Jurgen is quite correct about the Commander being capable for automation so that RocRail software may have little to offer.
It you use the Commander in manual mode to drive trains as I do I found RocRail offered the ability to drive trains via a mobile phone. When you need to be a distance from the Commander without a handset connected by a cable then a mobile phone is the answer.
This can be achieved by using the Lenz LIUSB or Lens L101F interfaces connected to the LSB port which is for Lenz Xpressnet devices.
To use a mobile phone with RocRail you have to make a small donation. Images of your locos and track plan repeated on RocRail are downloaded to the phone when it is connected.
I imagine that Commander 2 will offer this facility but when we still do not know.
Hi Dieter
I did not make myself clear. I know you can connect many types of display but the Commander console will not have a built in touch screen is how I read the publicity information. You have to connect the devices that provide the display.
Thank you Dieter
Yes we hope Viessmann is listening to our suggestions. It would be a pity if the new Commander 2 did not take on board what Vadim and myself are saying.
Hi Vadim
I agree with the additional facilities that should be included in the Commander 2.
A separate bus connection for accessories so that when a mistake is made with a route and a short is produced because a turnout is wrongly set the turnout can be moved to elimate the short.
Again when a mistake is made and the system stops due to a short the Automation mode must be able to recover.
Yes more contacts in the “on the way” section would be very useful.
My understanding Vadim is that the Commander 2 will not have a touch screen. It relies for the display on other connected devices but these could have a touch screen like a laptop.
Dear Jürgen
Users and I will look forward to receiving the English version of the manual for update 1.4 next year.
I am very disappointed that English speaking users are being denied the opportunity to receive the full updated user manual for version 1.4. This is because the manual is only available in the German language.
This does not fill me with confidence that English speaking users will be supported for the future development of the Commander and other products.
I am very disappointed that English speaking users are being denied the opportunity to receive the full updated user manual for version 1.4. This is because the manual is only available in the German language.
This does not fill me with confidence that English speaking users will be supported for the future development of the Commander and other products.
I am very interested in the new Commander now promised.
What would concern me is backwood compatibility. That is being able to transfer our loco data and images plus our routes etc.
I hope the development team will take this on board.
John in the UK
It may be of interest that I have 5 N gauge locomotives fitted with CT SL76 sound decoders that work correctly.
They are all fitted with tantalum capacitors for smooth sound together with micro cube speakers.
Without the capacitors the sound is distorted. This may be your problem if you do not have any capacitors fitted.
Translated via Google.
Es kann von Interesse sein, dass ich habe 5 N Spurweite Lokomotiven mit CT SL76-Ton-Decoder, die ordnungsgemäß ausgestattet.
Sie sind mit Tantal-Kondensatoren für glatten Ton zusammen mit Mikro-Cube-Lautsprecher ausgestattet.
Ohne die Kondensatoren ist der Ton verzerrt. Dies kann das Problem sein, wenn man keine Kondensatoren ausgestattet.
I upgraded to Windows 10 with no difficulty. The computer starts more quickly.
The Commander backup and manager programmes seem to work as usual.
Jane no yet tried the locomotive photos yet.
Dear Dieter
Yes you are correct that the Company is aware of the problem.
I urged them to correct this as a priority as new and potential users will see that the facility is promised in the user manual.
Still the Company has many other products to deal with.
I hope that an update is not far away.
Dear Dieter
Yes you are correct that the Company is aware of the problem.
I urged them to correct this as a priority as new and potential users will see that the facility is promised in the user manual.
Still the Company has many other products to deal with.
I hope that an update is not far away.
I should have explained that I use current detector feedback S88 boards mainly on my layout.
I use reed switches as well because they can easily be positioned later as the track is not affected. They are used for changes in speed, sounding horns, and providing the final stop for a destination.
My experience is that my small disc high strength magnets glued to the underside of the n gauge locos are completely reliable in regard to operating the reed switches.
The feedback to the Commander is via the S88 system using Ltd's boards.